Historic files provided by History Facts Archive

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Schematic representation of the lubrication chart for the Einheitsdiesel (German standard diesel truck). Handbuch für Kraftfahrer (H.DV 471) : Berlin 1941 : Mittler & Sohn (HF)
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Detailed description of the German Ostkette by American Intelligence

ETO Ordnance Technical Intelligence Report No. 337, 7th July 1945 (HF)
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Functional representation of the “Kleines Kettenkrad” steering system.

The turning motion of the handlebars was transferred to the left or right drive by means of a rod linkage system. These then braked the relevant track and enabled steering of the vehicle.
Patentschrift Nr. 733115 : Klasse 63c Gruppe 30, N43400 II / 63c : patented German Reich the 29th June 1939 : comunicated the 18th February 1943 : Document published the 19th march 1943 (HF)
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The luminescent paint on the front sight and visor enabled targeting and therefore shooting at night and at dusk.

Panzernahkampfwaffen Teil 2 . Bildheft 149b*) : OKH : 27.9.44, page 29 (HF)
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This drawing shows the modifications between th original PzKpfw IV chassis and the Geschützwagen III/IV.

German report "SK 3086 C / 43" from Kummersdorf, the 22. December 1943 (HF)
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Tactical Signs of the Anti Aircraft Artillerie, taken from a Handbook, used for training.

Der Dienstunterricht in der Flakartillerie. Ausgabe für den Flakscheinwerferkanonier, S.128, Abb. 108 (HF)
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„By affixing a protective cover on the Pz. Kpfw. III and IV, the lowering of the gun is reduced in accordance with the accompanying sketches. Lowering does not go below –7 degrees and is therefore still deemed to be acceptable.”

The side skirts on PzKpfw III and IV reduce the maximum possible negative elevation range of the KWK in the represented extent. The limitations that differ between right and left are due to off-center alignment of the armaments on the vehicle’s longitudinal axis, with the PzKpfw III, the KwK is offset to the left in the turret and with the PzKpfw IV the turret is offset to the left.

Heerestechnisches Verordnungsblatt : O.K.H., Chef H Rüst u. BdE In6 Nr. 5092/43 : 15.6.1943 (HF)
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This small picture shows in a simple way, how to chose the angle of allowance in function of the shooting distance, when the target is moving with approx. 10 miles/h.

How to estimate the speed of the target and how to handle coolness was not part of the instruction.

Panzernahkampfwaffen Teil 2 . Bildheft 149b*) : OKH : 27.9.44, page 21 (HF)
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Table showing the work time needed for digging foxholes, weapon pits etc. Further it is shown how much material has to be dug and what tools are needed for that specific work.

Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie Nr. 1717a : Reichskriegsministerium, Major Reinicke, Kriegsschule Potsdam : November 1940 (HF)
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An intelligence study concerning the recovery of production in Schweinfurt after allied air attacks.
A group of ball bearing companies made Schweinfurt an „interesting“ target. After the attacks in Fall 1943 the local Economy recovered to 87% of their pre attack level, for being bombed back 35% again in February 44. (16mm Film 25202, USAAF).
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For the publication „Tank Production in the III: Reich“ we are going to produce maps of the most important tank factories. We base them upon original documents, air photographs and actual maps. Currently we are working on MAN, MNH, Miag, Henschel, Maybach and Nibelungenwerk of Steyr-Daimler-Puch company. Here we are showing you a draft of Krupp Gruson works in Magdeburg as an example. Still missing are all the railway-lines, trees and other details, and the shading of the buildings.(HF)
(Link to the German reading samples. In there are several graphics too – so have a look)
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All German Army material was tested and accepted by officers of the Army Ordnance Office, Acceptance Department. The reported quantities were summarized in tables for each item. At the right you see such a table for the 10.5cm light Howitzer on fully tracked chassis of Panzerkampfwagen II in the reporting month November 1943. (HF)
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The 979th Verordnung zum Reichsgesetz statet September 21th 1935, that the Reichswehr licence plates for motorcars had to be replaced by the new ones Wehrmacht style. (HF)
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Decree of the Reichsverteidigungskommissar (Reich Defense Commissioner) of 1945 concerning restrictions in the use of coal and energy
(T73-10, Doc. 55503)
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