Documents provided by History Facts Archive

In the History Facts' archive we collect thousands of historic documents. In addition we produce drawings, tables and graphs for our publications and archive them too.

A choice of those documents we offer to be bought. You can browse document, drawings, tables in our document shop, choose and pay, and then download them to your PC.

Please decide before buying, whether you are happy with the image quality. Historic documents sometimes are not perfect (we try to place only legible documents in the shop). Because the quality is visible in the thumbnail view, we would not accept complaints in that regard.

The purchased documents are solely for your personal use. Would you like to publish or distribute them, please contact us in advance.

If your are looking for documents to a certain topic and not finding in our shop, do not hesitate to contact us at - if something for your interest is in our archive, we would be willing to place it with normal condition in our shop. If we need to research the requested documents first, then we need a research order.
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Off-raod tyres' patterns, produced by Dunlop in 1939 (HF)
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Different types of non-skid chains in 1940 (HF)

Pictures provided by History Facts Archive

There are also thousands of historical images in the History Facts archive. We also archive new photographs that were taken during our research.
In our archive you can buy images for your personal use. In our picture shop you can select pictures and the desired resolution and download the purchased pictures to your PC after paying by PayPal.
Before buying, please decide if you are satisfied with the image quality. Historical photographs are sometimes not perfect. Since the quality is visible in the thumbnail, we would not accept any complaints in this regard.
The images purchased are for your personal use only. If you would like to publish or distribute the images, please contact us in advance.
If you are looking for pictures on a certain topic and cannot find them in our shop, do not hesitate to contact us at - if something is in our archive for your interest, we will be happy to put it in our shop in normal condition
Panzerkampfwagen II Variant C, rolling through France in May 1940
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Panzerkampfwagen II Variant C, in 1981, Tank museum Saumur's Golan ,France (HF)